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I am a Contemporary Artist. My Art is Digital painting.
I am a Nature lover. The texture, colours, form, design, and movement of Nature are in my Art.
I was born in France and lived most of my life in Paris.
In 2007 I moved to Vancouver BC and I am happy to embrace the Canadian culture finally as we French like to say I enjoy the life "Joie de vivre".
My adoration for Vancouver and British Columbia is expressed in my Art.
My Art is created from photos I have taken of the beauty of living in Vancouver and British Columbia.
I mix photography from Nature and digital imaging. Through the digital medium, my work expands upon the many different new levels of information available to me. My contemporary compositions are characterized by large sections of layered colours in an abstract style. I express my feelings through my art.
In the world, all Artists are Art lovers, passionate and creators.
I always like to quote Pablo Picasso who is my inspiration:
Picasso quote: "I am always doing that which I cannot do, so that I may learn how to do it." Pablo Picasso
My quote: "The passion is in my Artwork and I hope people can feel and see it"
Christine Zion

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